Thursday 7 June 2012

Review: Follow Me UV White O2 Advanced Facial Cleanser and Renewal Gel...

        Ever since Bee had her Baby four days back our house is undergoing a massive Cleaning............ It's back breaking but i had a few surprises along the way........... like finding a favourite missing earring, seven hundred rupees in an old handbag, an old tape of Children's songs Bee and i used to listen to when i was three and she was one......(I put it in the casette player and sang along with tears running down my face(yes i'm a very emotional person) and i remembered all the lyrics) and the best surprise....... finding a huge long forgotten Watsons Bag....... Yay.........

       The bag had lots cleaning stuff( a pity), some crockery, and five Follow Me tubes....Iwas so excited, i had been planning to ask my aunt who is in Singapore to get me some more since the ones tubes i;ve been currently using are getting over....


O2 Avanced Skin Care System packs all benefits of Oxygen to revive every cell for superior anti ageing properties. Coupled with an advanced Vitamin C to whiten skin and combat pigmentation- Product Description.

My mom bought this on her trip to Singapore and she uses it for its anti ageing properties.... I never showed any interest in this because i didnt want a white face, i want a bright face....  But then as the days passed i noticed that my mom's skin was changing dramatically.... She is naturally very fair but now her skin glowed... like i swallowed a light blub kinda glow......

My hubby noticed it and said, i think your mom is drinking lots of fruit juices (she does this too... she's a vegan), she's always looking fresh... then i knew, i had to start using it....... you see, my hubby noticing something of this sort is as rare as as Kim Kardashian stepping out without makeup...

  • It instantly brighten's my face,
  • Good for sensitive skin,
  • foams nicely,
  • Hygenic packaging,
  • Inexpensive, both the renewal gel and the face wash cost 350/- rupees,
  • Smells mild and
  • Not available in India 

How I use this.... I apply this gel over  my dry clean face and neck and massage in upward circular motions and leave it for ten mins and then wash off with the UV face wash.

Left: Gel, Right : Face Wash.

  • It's of the right consistency( neither very light nor heavy),
  • Easily absorbed,
  • Does not irritate skin,
  • Does not cause breakouts,
  • My T-Zone is less shiny and its
  • Availability
My Rating (4/5) -1 for availability

Would I Repurchase it? Hell Yeah.....

Bye bye.... Chicas.... Have an awesome day........


  1. Generally, I think these sort of products work differently from what we find in our Indian market labeled as "whitening"...these are more for evening out skin tone and making skin look healthier, aren't they? I was laughing reading about all the things that you found with just cleaning your house :D My house is a terrible mess..and the few times that I do a massive cleaning up, I never find anything fun :D

    1. Yes... This one did change my skin tone a bit but i was more happy with the other results.... I always find good stuff during Clean ups.... once even found my long lost gold ring which my then boyfriend(now hubby) had gifted me. :)

  2. Hey.. I am speechless. Dad came home yday after a short trip to Singapore and gave this gel and cream. He has no idea about any skin care stuff and I thought this is some useless stuff {sorry dad}.. but my dad insisted I try it !! I am so glad that he got 3 of these :D Thanks a ton for the review. It came at the right time !!

    1. Wow... What a wonderful coincidence?????? Dads are awesome aren't they?

  3. Anonymous10:21 am

    i live in australia and would like to purchase the gel. where can i purchase this online?

  4. hey i live in sri lanka and i would like to have there a place where i can buy this online

  5. I want
    please help me
    please contact me

  6. please contact me
    FB acount San De Htun
