Friday 4 May 2012

Mini Random Haul

I went to a shop called Variety with my hubby to buy a gift for my favourite cousin who is one year old, here's what happened:-

                 Hubby: "Cherie, I'll be on the phone, please hurry back and dont buy anything for yourself, ok,? You've already got enough"
                Me: "I wont"

                Hubby: "Ya right" (he murmered this)

I bought the gift in two mins and went to see the SAs whom i know by name and you can guess what happened next...

            Hubby on the phone to me(twenty mins later!!!) :- "Cherie, come this instant"
           Me:"It's so crowded in the bill counter" There was one person there, i was looking at the nailpolishes.

           Hubby: "Why dont you turn around?"

           Me:- "Honey.... i bought a bounty for you" smiling widely...

Here are the pics:-

Bath gloves, hair clips, key chain, Ponds peel off mask, earrings, Streetwear nailpolish, Secret Body Spray.

When i was eleven years old my dad got Secret as a perfume and i used it until i was sixteen, all my friends used to love the smell... Tell us the name, they'll beg... Secret, i'll reply and they'll get angry and i'll be "dumborams that's the name of the perfume" I forgot about it untill now, when i bought it back home and took a whiff.... oh the memories....  Bee was in the next room and she yelled "It's secret" at the top of her voice and came running (waddling) over to take a sniff as well, I want to go to school again. Miss it soooooooo much,  Btw this spray has an amazing staying power and its only 100 bucks...

Love these earrings....

Have a fun weekend........

P.S. Dad's back from Dubai and i have the biggest Bath and Body works haul to show you all.... he he he

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