When you come back from work already tired to the bone and you see your mother and sister walking about like Zombies after spending yet another sleepless night after taking care of Candy who at two months old is at her cutest, active best only from twelve in the night to five in the morning ........ What do you do? I pick her up and head towards my room all thoughts of blogging, reading, watching movies, etc vanishing like ice cream on a hot sunny day.... That should explain my long absence.....
I got this body lotion for free when i bought 4 Avon soaps and i love it.
Would i Repurchase? No... I still have many bottles of other lotions left...
Happy Independance Day... Amidst all the tv watching and having fun lets take a moment to remember o our brave heroes who gladly lay down their lives so that we could have freedom and peace..... Have a nice day!!!!!!!
I got this body lotion for free when i bought 4 Avon soaps and i love it.
- Creamy and moiurizes really well.
- Smells amazing like the smell of just-cut apples with a hint of black grapes.
- Easily absorbed
- Cute Packaging
- Can be easily carried in your handbag
- Costs only 79 rupees... (i got it for free :) )
- Contains Parabens
Would i Repurchase? No... I still have many bottles of other lotions left...
Happy Independance Day... Amidst all the tv watching and having fun lets take a moment to remember o our brave heroes who gladly lay down their lives so that we could have freedom and peace..... Have a nice day!!!!!!!